Thesis Project at Korea University
Category : Academic Project, Korea University
Year : 2020
Type : Urban Design, Architectural Design
Software : Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, AutoCAD
Location : Gamman-dong, Nam-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea
Instructor : Kyungeun Kwon, Sangwook Park
Role : Individual Work
Busan Port, celebrated as the largest container port in Korea and the 6th largest globally, is a name familiar to all in the country. Yet, when queried about its exact location, only a few can respond accurately. The challenge lies in access, as even by car, the port proves hard to reach, surrounded by a maze of piled-up container boxes.
However, I propose a shift in perspective – port facilities need not be isolated from citizens. There's an opportunity for the public to witness firsthand how the logistics industry, intricately tied to our daily lives, unfolds. The diminishing cargo volume in Busan North Port, a consequence of the ongoing redevelopment project and the construction of the Busan New Port, serves as a pivotal moment. In response, this project aims to reimagine the current state of the Busan North Port container facility, transforming it into a dynamic space for citizen interaction. This initiative seeks to stimulate contemplation about the nuanced gradations that a logistics space can generate in collaboration with the community.

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