3rd Place, Participated as an Associate
Category : Professional Project, Competition, Heerim Architects & Planners
Year : 2021
Type : Architectural Design
Software : Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, V-ray
Team : Designer Pool 2 (Mooyeol Ryu and 6 others)
Role : Responsible of Report Writing, Diagrams and Mass Design Iteration
Our vision unfolds in the heart of Luwon City, where we propose a groundbreaking City Hall that spans nine floors above ground and delves two feet below the surface. In crafting the layout plan, our focus was on aligning with the ecological and natural rhythms of Luwon City, seamlessly blending with the continuity of nature. The guiding principle behind our design is the establishment of a pedestrian-centric center, a harmonious nexus where nature and urban life converge.
In our pursuit to forge a “Garden in the City,” we meticulously considered the surrounding context, tailoring our design to respond appropriately to the scale and needs of both nature and the community. Every space is thoughtfully organized to foster synergy, with the first floor inviting openness and the third floor boasting an integrated lounge. This strategic arrangement transforms the City Hall into an open, shared government building that unites nine institutions and the residents they serve. Our proposal seeks to create not just a physical structure but a living, breathing connection between nature and people, shaping Luwon City’s future with thoughtful design and communal inclusivity.

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